Goals are the key to business success - are you ready to set the best goals of your life?

Goal setting is core to what makes a successful business, not getting up at 5 am or having a meditation and journaling routine. It is the number one thing that connects all successful business owners.

Yet, most people don’t set goals in the first place.

Even when they do, those goals are either not achievable or they get forgotten within a few weeks.

We make goal-setting easy

92% of people who set goals, fail to achieve them. We want you to be in that successful 8%.


That’s why we’ve taken our 14 years of experience helping small service-based business owners like you set goals that are meaningful, and achievable and work towards real business growth.

The goal-setting worksheet is designed to take your goals to the next level. It’s a system that’s designed to really dig into what you want to achieve rather than what you think you should be aiming for.

You are 10X more likely to achieve your dreams if you set goals

Setting goals isn’t just for New Year’s resolutions. You need time to question what you want, whether you have the time and resources to meet your goals and whether the goal you’re setting is something you want to achieve in the next year or the next five to ten years.


This makes all the difference to the kind of goals you set.


Our worksheet will take you through the 10 Steps to Goal Setting, guide you through creating your goals and help you break them down into small, achievable steps so that you don’t feel overwhelmed and give up.

About BBB

Bigger Brighter Bolder is a membership organisation that’s had a measurable, proven and positive effect on business growth for 9 out of 10 of its members.

We’re a one-stop shop, offering a complete toolkit to build the business you want to run, and boost your earnings. You enjoy all the benefits of courses, books, peer group support and coaching, for a fraction of the cost of doing these things individually.

The BBB team is led by George Swift and Tracey Miller who between them offer a 20-year track record of building small businesses into more fulfilling, more profitable and more owner-friendly organisations.


Dave Plunkett 

Partnership Expert – Collaboration Junkie

“BBB has provided me with a platform to give and receive advice with a trusted network that supports you every step of the way.
Goal setting has literally changed my life.
I know I can still do more, but there’s no way I would have achieved what I have done this year without it“.

Jon Davies

Garden Designer – Gold & Wild

“It’s helped me connect with the long-term vision and then put in place the framework to help me reach and get closer to my bigger goals every day. Goals are also incredible for your mental health; it keeps you moving forward and gives you something to focus on every day and a sense of achievement when you have done it. For me a lack of goal setting creates waywardness”.

Take the 10-Steps to Goal Setting

Download the 10-Steps to Goal Setting


Our friendly team is ready to help right now, so don’t struggle in silence.
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