[Episode 296] – Don’t Ride Their Roller Coaster – Podcast
As we predictably see the UKs, so-called, “Freedom Day” disintegrate in front of our eyes, at the same time as many are already feeling exhausted and weighed down, it’s important we take care of our mental and emotional health.
It’s been a long, hard winter for many – both literally and metaphorically. I come across many business owners feeling rung out, stressed, anxious and even depressed. If this sounds like you, you are tragically, very much, not alone.
In this episode, I share the impacts of what we’ve been through, my predictions for the rest of the year, and why it’s so important to get off the roller coaster and use the summer to “fuel-up” for a very uncertain autumn and winter.
FAIR WARNING: I share my personal opinions about what’s going on in the world, which oppose both the mainstream narrative and many people’s personal views. Feel free to skip this episode, and wait for the next one
[Episode 295] – Who Remembers The Mastermind Board Game – Podcast
Almost every 70’s and early 80’s household had a copy of the game. Whether you do or don’t remember the classic, this episode shows what you can learn from the gameplay and how you can apply it to solve the problems you face in business. To give you a heads up, it’s all about intelligent trial and error and the close monitoring of results and feedback.
[Episode 294] It’s Brave to Disagree With the Majority – Podcast
Just because few agree with you, it doesn’t mean you’re wrong, in the same way that just because everyone seems to agree with you means you’re right.
In this episode, I share insight into both of these statements.
[Episode 293] Emotional Stability Revisited – Podcast
If you can keep your head, when all around it are losing theirs, you remain in control. It’s completely forgivable that you might be more stressed and more anxious than usual. The past 14 months has been a brutal onslaught to the senses. As we continue to live under the heavy cloud of chronic uncertainly, it’s essential we remain in control of our emotional state. If we do, we remain in control of our lives.
In this episode, I revisit some of the points I raised, all the way back in episode 16. It’s more important now, than ever to remain emotionally stable.
In this episode, I revisit some of the points I raised, all the way back in episode 16. It’s more important now, than ever to remain emotionally stable.
[Episode 292] – The Power Of NOW And Focusing On The Future – Podcast
We’ve all heard how we should live in the “now” and many mistakenly believe this invalidates future focus and goal setting.
In this episode, I share how having a strong vision, well thought out goals and good planning, not only creates success, but also allows you to be fully present and grounded in the “now”.
[Episode 291] – Get On Sales NOW – Podcast
Make today the start of your big push on sales.
Across the whole of Success Groups we are currently engaged in one of our 28-day sales challenges. We typically run these challenges a few times a year. They’re great for blowing the cobwebs off stagnating sales activity as well as overcoming any sales reluctance. And it works – every time.
Whilst we’ve been on the sales push for some time already, why don’t you consider setting your own challenge, starting today!?
[Episode 290] – The Perfect Time To Boost Your Sales Activity – Podcast
The Perfect Time To Boost Your Sales Activity. After a wobbly start to the year, things are picking up on the sales front.
[Episode 289] – Don’t Abdicate Responsibility For Your Success – Podcast
Despite saying in my last episode that success is a team sport, equally, you must take full responsibility for your success and outcomes. You need to enrol others in your plans, but your future is ultimately down to you.
Equally, if things aren’t going your way, it’s easy to blame others or external events, or claim bad luck. And sometimes you’d be forgiven for doing so. However, regardless of any other factors, your business and success is your responsibility alone.
[Episode 288] – Success Is A Team Sport – Podcast
It might feel heroic to go it alone. You might not trust others. But, if you don’t surround yourself with the right people, the going will be tough and the journey will be a lonely one.
In this episode, I share the importance of enrolling others in your business plans. The right people breath life into your objectives and support you to reach you goals easier and faster than you would ever do on your own.
Build a team or join one – success is a team sport.
[Episode 287] – Don’t Let The Present Bullshit You Out Of Your Future
… and get yourself out there.
Many people stress and anguish about putting themselves out in the world. Whether it’s a blog, a video or a podcast, the idea of being visible and therefore being judged, can be terrifying.
Whilst creating a successful business is never going to be easy, and you’ll always need to work hard, accept the pressure, and make the sacrifices it takes, the biggest hurdles nearly always reside in us.
In this episode, I share what might be getting in the way of you truly creating the future you deserve and share a fresh perspective to help clear the way.
There are no rules on how far you take your business, just don’t let yourself bullshit you out of what’s possible.